Why Now is a Great Time to Sell!

Most people think the winter is a horrible time to sell a home. I’ll be the first to admit, sales are typically down in the Madison area through the winter months. Usually not much happens between Thanksgiving and New Years. Although, this recent holiday season was unusual. We had lots of activity and put several properties under contract over the holidays. In my opinion, now a great time to list your property if your thinking of selling.

Buyers Are Serious – Let’s face it, people don’t like to move in the cold and snow. So the buyers that are out looking for a home right now are serious buyers. They aren’t just browsing for fun.

Inventory is Down –  There  is less inventory right now as compared to spring and summer. Lots of sellers wait until March or April to list their properties. This means serious buyers have less choice. Beat the spring listing rush and your home will be noticed first.

The Holiday’s Are Past – People are busy during the holiday’s. This time of year things usually settle down and people generally have more time to house shop.

Spring is Coming – March, April, and May are big months for moving. If a buyer intends to move during the spring months, they need to be shopping now.




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