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Choosing a Lender

Your lender will be one of the most important people involved in your real estate transaction choosing them wisely is important. Just like agents, not all people within one organization operate the same. One loan officer at your bank may be horrible to work with and another may be great. I always suggest people start Read More

Investment Property Financing – Latest Requirements

This is a Guest Post by Ryan Huemmer, the lender we use on our own rental properties. As an owner of investment properties, I get no greater joy than helping someone purchase their first investment property.  I’ve worked with AnchorBank for almost 8 years and the world of investment property financing has changed dramatically.  With Read More

Should I Refinance My Mortgage?

With unbelievably low interest rates lots of people are considering refinancing. Refinancing is a great way to reduce your monthly expenses and minimize the amount of interest you pay over the long term. So, how do you determine refinancing makes sense for you? First, figure out what the interest rate is on your current mortgage, Read More


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